under circumstances wherein the traits are appropri- ate, i. e. express feminine traits when in feminine clothes and then don't be guilty about it. This much is not new, we all understand and practice it, but this doesn't say anything about goals.
In discussing goals however, we have to remember that there are goals for the individual and there are the long time goals of the group or race. For an
individual living at the present time or perhaps we should say anyone 10 or more years old at the moment, the goal can only be to learn about oneself, accept oneself and the nature of the problem. Dress as and when you can and enjoy it. As you get better acquainted with yourself you can learn not only to accept but to be really happy with the "girl within".
However, we can have a better goal than just that. As we come to recognize what we really are and learn to deal with our other self and to stop being guilty about her, we are on the way to a real improvement in our total self. Learning to accept one's feminine side is the first step to integrating the masculine with the feminine in one's total life. Just above I spoke about persons 10 or more years old at the moment. Those less than this age may come into adolescence and young manhood in a culture that is appreciably dif- ferent from that which existed when most of us were going thru that stage of life. It will be a culture where the distinctions between the proper and acceptable be- havior of male and female persons will not be so sharply drawn. Men will be wearing longer hair, using per- fume and possibly other facial cosmetics, and clothing will be lighter and more colorful. Women on the other hand, will be wearing some sort of pants more than dresses, will be taking a greater role in government, politics, business and the professions and will be much more independent and self reliant than presently.